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News From the Bluebell Railway
Archive - April-July 2001

This is an Archive for the main News from the Bluebell page. Please note that due to the historical nature of this page, some links may no longer work correctly.

News Report: 18 July 2001

In the next few weeks:

Details are available elsewhere on the web site for up-and coming special events:

  • July: Sat 21 - Sun 22: Toy and Rail Collectors' Fair - our annual fair packed with stalls from all over the country offering everything from old tinplate models to full-scale railwayana, with a full train service as well.
  • July: Sat 28 - Sun 29: Summer Giants of Steam with a visit from Bulleid Pacific "92 Squadron". On the Saturday the BR standard 4-6-0s will double head up the 1-in-75 on 11 coaches for the 18-mile round trip, and then the 9F will take over for a later run. Evening train service, free 1960's band at Sheffied Park outside the Bessemer Arms real ale bar. On the Sunday, the pair of Malachite green Bulleids will take the 11 coach train for an entire round trip of the line. Details, including how to obtain the working timetable for the day on the web page.
    In case anyone is confused by the inclusion of this extra "Giants" event in July, our October "Giants of Steam" is also going ahead as normal, but also as a complete weekend rather than just a single day, on Ocober 27-28.
  • Saturdays in August: "Stepney Specials" - Our peak summer service is supplemented by a third train formed of our 126-year-old Stroudley Terrier Stepney hauling Victorian coaches.

Rolling Stock movements:

The Battle of Britain Locomotive Society's locomotive, 34081, "92 Squadron" arrived yesterday, to stay on the Bluebell for three weekends, for photo charters and the repeat performance of its double-heading with our own "Blackmoor Vale" at the Summer Giants of Steam.

34081 will operate our services on three weekends:
21 & 22 July - Collectors Fair
28 & 29 July - Giants of Steam
4 & 5 August - unusually normal weekend

Also yesterday our two LBSCR Stroudley Terriers, 55 Stepney and 672 Fenchurch, left for a two-week summer holiday on the Isle of Wight Steam Railway, where they join the Island's two resident terriers for a 9-day "Terrier Rail Gala".

They were accompanied by our IoW Ballast Wagon (which had been built using components from an LBSCR goods wagon), and which has been returned to the Isle of Wight where it will be restored.

55 will rush back from IOW after their Terrier Gala in time for the Stepney Specials in August.

672 will stroll back a week on two later but will come back via Eastbourne where the locomotive will be on display for nearly a week at the Eastbourne Air Show, Airbourne 2001, 16-19 August. If you are around, make sure you visit the Bluebell Stand.

Also expected to leave soon is the Metropolitan Railway Ballast Wagon, which is being sold to the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre at the old Metropolitan Railway Station at Quainton Road.

East Grinstead Extension Progress

Much unseen activity continues behind the scenes, I hear. Visible activity on the trackbed is shown on the web page. A recent article in the railway press gave the impression that the tip was almost clear, and we would complete the extension this year. This is a complete fiction, and Roy Watts has put them right on this. The time-scale is still "years" rather than "months".

Carriage Works Extension

Installation of electrical system is going ahead at a pace. Once this is done we can move equipment in. On the volunteer front, the mess room is now at the stage where fitting out can begin. The toilets will be tackled next, with Chris Willis taking on plastering and laying tiles on the floor. The major works still outstanding are the dust extraction system, and the walkway at the north end, together with the revised layout for the old part of the works, and completion of the fire-break wall.

The formal opening will take place during the national Carriage Restorers meeting on the weekend of 8/9 September.

Locos and Carriages

The boiler is back on 80151, with final assembly now going ahead. The Maunsell Locomotive Society have completed the tender for U-class 1638, and are intending to start overhauling the tender for "Stowe". The interest free loan which helped to secure the engine has been repaid, thanks to a good response to the appeal from both MLS and Bluebell members, and the gentleman who made the loan waiving the final chunk of repayment. It's hoped that 1838 will enter the loco works for erection of the motion very soon.

Two carriages, 6575 and 1481, were brought back into service temporarily for the Thomas event, and are now back under tarpaulins to await major overhauls. This, along with the temporary outshopping of the Mk.1 Brake Third in green undercoat enabled us to run 24 ordinary passenger vehicles for the first time ever, in addition to the rake of Pullman and special-traffic vehicles available but not used. The LNWR Semi-Royal saloon is coming towards theend of its re-paint, although this work was interrupted by a booking which had been accepted for the vehicle. The new steel cladding is cut and fitted on one side of the Maunsell Drop-light Open Third 1336.

Traffic so far this year

In spite of the closure of half the line earlier this year, revenue so far this year is only marginally down on the record figures we had for 2000. The Thomas event was a notable success, about 20% up on last year! We also had a very successful visit from the Yetties. The Santa Specials leaflet is out and enquiries have already been received. Booking does not open until October, and the forms will be available on the web site in a few weeks.

Football Competition

If you would like to support the Carriage Works Extension project then why not enter our Football Competition. Entries must be in by 3rd August, so download the entry form now. It's also available at all the stations and around the railway. No knowledge of football is required!

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or to Mark Dewell's UK Heritage Railways or the Heritage Railway Association
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News Report: 4 June 2001

Loco Works news

A historic moment has been reached on the Brighton Atlantic project. The tender is now being worked on, with unwanted steel-work being removed from the frames, and new horn-guides have been cast.

The failure of "Bodmin" with cracked wheels at Eastleigh during a main-line inspection has prompted the inspection of the wheels of many Bulleid Pacifics. Our own "Blackmoor Vale" has been checked, and is fine, and has been doing good work in regular traffic over the last few weeks.

Progress is being maintained on our other Bulleid Pacific, "Sir Archibald Sinclair". The valve and outside motion is being erected, and serious expenditure on the boiler has started, with the order now placed for a new throat plate, tube plate and corners for the firebox.

The tender for the Maunsell Society's U-class No.1638 is now all-but complete, following a month in the loco works, where the overhead cranes came into their own.

The Standard 4 tank, No.80151, has passed its boiler hydraulic test, and the talk is of an August return to traffic, if all goes well. As an engine which regularly operated on the line in the 1950s, this will indeed be a welcome event.

Forthcoming Musical Events at the Bluebell

Details of our 60's Music evening (29 June) and "An Evening with the Yetties" on 30th June are now available on the web site - See the Special Events Listing.

Party at the Park

Last Sunday, 27 May, working members enjoyed a BBQ and party at Sheffield Park Station, in the new picnic area down by the river. Photos are from Charles Roberts. About 70 members of all ages and from most departments took part, although it was the younger members from the loco and catering departments (along with some SP platform staff) who were the loudest, so got noticed most!
party3 party4 party1 party2 party5

Foot and Mouth; Restrictions fast disappearing

Sussex has been mercifully spared from Foot and Mouth disease. We played our part in the precautions to keep it that way by the closure of our linesides. However, these restrictions were lifted a few weeks ago. Now also on entering West Sussex, road-side notices proclaim that most public footpaths are again open, and as from 8th June it is believed that the same will apply in East Sussex.

AGM Report

The Preservation Society's AGM on 19th May was not without note. For the first time ever, a tie in the election of Society Trustees caused some consternation, such an eventuality not being covered by the rules. There were six candidates for the four vacancies, and the results were as follows:

Martin Lock      181 votes
Charles Hudson   176 votes
Jim Turtle       173 votes
Russell Pierce    98 votes
Robin White       98 votes
Ron Harwood       82 votes
The options of declaring the whole of the election void, and repeating the vote, or of electing the first three and carrying out a further election for the fourth place were problematic, due to the difficulty of obtaining a quorum other than at a General Meeting. The Rules allow for 14 Trustees, but do not prevent there being 15, so the AGM resolved that the top five would all become Trustees.

The various speeches and presentations were largely linked by a common theme, that of fund raising. The Membership Secretary appealed for more donations, Eric Earnshaw, in his Bluebell Railway Trust report, re-iterated the advantages of giving by gift-aid through the Trust, Russell Pearce reported on the success of the Fenchurch Fund in returning this locomotive to steam, and indicated that they were continuing their fund-raising efforts, now directed towards SECR P-Class No.27. Terry Cole appealed for further donations towards the Brighton Atlantic Project, but was able to report that about a sixth of the £300,000 estimated cost of this project had been subscribed or promised in quarterly or annual payments over the 8-year time scale of the project, much of it via the Trust. Much more will be needed though.

The sale of refreshments before and during the interval, together with donations collected at the end of the meeting raised £505 towards the Carriage Works Extension.

Subsequent to the meeting, the Society Trustees have met and allocated their tasks. Bill Brophy took the opportunity of having an additional Trustee in place to retire from both the plc board and the Society Committee, and Martin Lock takes his place as Traction and Rolling Stock Director. Thus we again have the correct number of 14 Trustees. Chris White has passed his Operations portfolio on to Robin White, but takes on the Civil Engineering/Permanent Way mantle. With the appointment of a P-way manager, Graham Ward is hoping to re-establish a volunteer Civil Engineering section to take on projects such as bridge maintenance, in addition to leading the volunteer p-way gangs.

Barry Coward's tenure as Society Hon. Sec. has started with the establishment of a sub-committee to look at the resourcing of the railway, with its first priority to be consideration of Heritage Lottery Funding for specific projects.

Bulleid Well Wagon to come to the Bluebell

The only remaining unmodified SR Bulleid well wagon, has been identified as significant by the Railway Heritage Committee, and will be coming to the Bluebell from Three Bridges in the near future. It will be used on the Bluebell as it was on BR, to carry plant and machinery for civil engineering work. The wagon was built some time between January 1944 and June 1945.

Carriage news

Of course the more vehicles, like the above, which arrive, so the more we have to dispose of if we are to maintain running lines clear of stored stock and a safe environment for our shunters. We are currently open to offers for a Dace wagon on roller bearings (brought in for filming work), a Tube Wagon underframe, Bulleid and Maunsell coach underframes and a surplus Mk.1 Restaurant/Buffet Car.

The LNWR semi-royal saloon has occupied the paint-shop for the past several weeks. The complexities of fabricating and fitting an aluminium roof covering on this clerestory coach, and the time it takes to prepare a timber panelled coach for repainting, conspired to make the target of a return to traffic this last weekend impossible, in spite of employing several extra contract staff over recent weeks. With the BR BSK required for the Thomas weekends, and with some bodywork repairs still to be completed prior to repainting, this latter coach has entered the paint-shop, so the Semi-Royal has moved further into the shed, displacing the Maunsell Droplight open third, which has been sidelined (although the first steel panelling on the sides has recently been fitted).

Volunteer-run projects are progressing more smoothly! Structural repairs on the toilet area of the SECR Birdcage are well in hand, as is the next section of floor. The LCDR coach now has a partition in place, allowing the fitting out of the first compartment to start. The third Metropolitan coach comes on in leaps and bounds, with third-class seating being installed, and all the lincrusta applied to the panelling in the first-class, so that the first of the new walnut panels, lined in gold and with a deep varnish-shine can be fitted next. Only the inner-ceiling mouldings for the first-class now remain to be made. The Bulleid brake is now ready for the floor to go back, and steel-cladding is being fabricated and fitted.

The LSWR team have transformed the LSWR Road Van, and the midweek wagon team have just about completed the re-plank and repaint of the LSWR/SR hybrid wagon which was marooned at Sheffield Park for many years. This curious wagon was built by the SR, assembled from second-hand parts from various LSWR wagons. The sorry remains of the last of the Bristol docks ex-SECR wagons, which will emerge from a complete rebuild as a 2-plank ballast wagon, have finally been shunted into the yard, and work has started in earnest. The GN Saloon gang have again repainted the roofs of the two sleeping coaches, as well as the P-Way mess coach, which has also been repainted on its platform side.

At Kingscote

A new short siding is taking shape behind the goods shed. The station itself is looking very smart, thanks to the exertions of the maintenance team there during the winter closure. The rather splendid new lamps (one original and one replica) are now in place to light the subway steps.

Horsted Keynes Canopy

The second chimney stack is now completed, and further roof timbers and zinc sheeting are being fitted. The hope is that the current phase of work will be completed this year, leaving only the building beneath to go. The challenge does not stop there, though, since the other two canopies are really now due for their once-in-120-year overhauls, which the volunteer team are considering undertaking. This would involve re-levelling where subsidence has occurred, replacing rotten timbers and renewal of much of the life-expired zinc.

Horsted Keynes Re-signalling

Peter Richards has provided an update on the HK Re-signalling web page. The temporary starting signal at the south end of Platform 4 has been commissioned, saving the signalman from having to hand-signal every departing train.

Carriage Works Extension

The roller-shutter door was fitted last week, making the building secure. The contracts for the electrics have been let, but we still need to raise in the region of £10,000 to bring the works into use. There will be a working week (well, 4 days, 15-18 August) when we plan to commission the works and new mess room. You are welcome to join us over those days.

Football Competition

The competition which has been run over the last football season, as a fund raising venture for the Carriage Works Extension project, has reached its conclusion. The final results are now available. Our thanks to Tony Pearce for organising it over the last year (taking it on very much at the last minute before the start of the season). You may notice that I actually managed to win something. This is in spite of my total disinterest in football, so this should inspire you to enter next season. There's no need to know anything about football to win!

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or to Mark Dewell's UK Heritage Railways or the Heritage Railway Association
See also Lewis Nodes' Loco Works News Photos and News from the Maunsell Locomotive Society.
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News Report: 11 May 2001

Double headed Bulleids at the 2000 Giants
of Steam
  • A new special event, Summer Giants of Steam, will take place on July 28 - 29, with a visit from Bulleid Pacific "92 Squadron". This will again enable double-headed Malachite Bulleid Pacifics to operate (as photo above: Tony Pearce). This event replaces our Steam Fair, due to non-availability of fields from neighbouring farms. The traditional Steam Fair will return next year.
  • The double-headed Malachite Bulleid Pacifics photo charters postponed from last autumn will also take place around that time. Contact Ian Bowskill of the BBLS for more details.
  • Foot and Mouth restrictions to line-side access have been lifted, so lineside photographic passes are back on sale. Please remember that, even so, access to adjoining land, even on public footpaths, may not be possible.

    And now some news from Horsted Keynes:

  • The Alf Brown Group's new bracket signal for the south end of Platforms 3-4 is taking shape nicely "behind the scenes" at Horsted Keynes. The dock siding has been extended as far as it can without demolishing the S&T garages, so it's just long enough to hold a Wickham.
  • The LNWR Semi-Royal saloon now has all its paint and roof stripped. Aluminium sheeting for the roof has been cut and bent to shape, and much has now been fitted. In addition to C&W staff, several contract staff are also working on it, but it seems like a daunting challenge to get it finished in time for its next booking (26th May). The clerestory has been patched in the past with soft-wood to try to keep the water out. It's hoped that continuing the aluminium lower roof sheets up the vertical face of the clerestory will be a highly effective way to make this watertight, combined with some modern mastics.
  • John Copeland has got the first roll of lincrusta up in the Metropolitan carriage first-class compartments. This material costs £100 a roll, so we're pleased that it's gone well!
  • Stripping paint off one of the doors for Stroudley First 661 has revealed a very reddish-brown LBSCR paint colour (which is more often seen as darker brown, maybe after fading in sunlight), and more importantly, the exact position of the lining on the doors. The Bluebell Railway Trust are currently considering a quotation for trimming the first of the seats (half of a compartment) on a trial basis.
  • Chris Willis has finshed the second coat of paint on the floor of the new carriage works extension. We do need more donations to get us from the 10k mark to the 35k target which will enable us to get the electrics, lighting (and the essential fire alarm and emergency lighting) in place so that we can start to make use of the facility. Our Chairman, Roy Watts, completed the London Marathon in record (for him) time, and any further sponsorship of him, in aid of the carriage works extension will be most appreciated.
  • And finally the Bluebell's Fire Service now have their own web site, at: http://www.bluebellrailwayfi

Return to Bluebell Railway Home Page,
or to Mark Dewell's UK Heritage Railways or the Heritage Railway Association
See also Lewis Nodes' Loco Works News Photos and News from the Maunsell Locomotive Society.
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News Flash: 27 April 2001

Line fully reopen to Kingscote

As from this weekend, the Bluebell Railway is once more able to operate services to Kingscote following the completion of repairs to the major embankment slip which severed the line back in December. During the last few months services have only been able to operate over the Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes section, with the railway's 473 bus from East Grinstead covering the closed section.

To celebrate the re-opening of the full 9-miles of line, a promotion entitled "Welcome Back Kingscote" will take place throughout May in villages along the line, enabling local residents to travel on our trains as special fares of £2 per adult & £1 per child.

Villages in the scheme are Fletching, Sheffield Park, Horsted Keynes, Sharpthorne, Highbrook, West Hoathly, Kingscote & Turners Hill. The offer is spread over 3 weeks with a different week per village or group of villages to avoid overcrowding.

News update 11 April 2001

Latest Locomotive News

Front view of
80151 Work continues on the repair of BR Standard class 4 tank engine No 80151 with the aim of running it later this year. (Lewis Nodes)

The very latest news reports on this and other locos (the Dukedog 3217, U-class 1638, P-class 1178, Fenchurch and Baxter), are included in Lewis Nodes' Locomotive Department Photo News page.

Once 80151 and 3217 have been completed, the next main job to be tackled in the works will be either S15 class No 847 or U class No 1638. The intention is that this will be followed by the Schools class No 928 "Stowe". Also No 592 may be re-boilered using the spare C-class boiler.

The Villa Team's next project after Baxter is most likely to be P class No 27, a job which is expected to take about 8 years.

View of
Sharpthorn "Sharpthorn" has been moved from its previous home at the back of the top car park to a new home outside the Bessemer Arms, alongside the beer garden. Steps are to be made to enable children to climb into its cab in safety. There is no plan to start any repair work, but having it displayed in a prominent position will keep it in the eye of visitors and members alike.

Busy Easter in Prospect

With the railway an ideal way for the public to travel through the countryside safely during the current Foot and Mouth problems in the UK, we are expecting a busy Easter. For children, we have an Easter Egg Hunt.

There will be an intensive three train service, including the vintage branch-line train and the chance to travel in the Great Northern Directors' Saloon. With the chance to ride in this (on one of the large trains) and the LBSCR First No.7598 (on the Branch-line train) it will be a good time for discerning visitors to buy first-class tickets.

Slip repairs progressing, but further heavy rain delays completion

Slip, 1st April 2001 - Dave Bowles Dave Bowles photo taken on 1st April (whilst working on undergrowth-clearance in the area) shows the full extent of the slip, although there was by that time a sound foundation in place at the foot of the embankment, including a new culvert. With further extremely wet weather during March having caused further slippage, the last I heard was that, providing the weather continues to improve, it might be possible to complete the work by the end of this month.

Therefore we continue to run to a temporary timetable, between Sheffield Park and Horsted Keynes only, with the fare for a day's unlimited travel correspondingly reduced. The railway's 473 bus from East Grinstead has been extended to Horsted Keynes.

Because of both Foot and Mouth restrictions to lineside access, and the nature of the work being undertaken using heavy machinery on the site, please note that no one may visit the slip site.

East Grinstead Vintage Bus Day

Sunday 22nd April 2001

Vintage bus services will operate between East Grinstead and surrounding towns and villages. Two routes serve the Bluebell Railway via Kingscote (473 from East Grinstead and 434 from Dormans to/from Copthorne), with two additional single-deckers linking Kingscote to Horsted Keynes station as a Rail-replacement bus service, if the line between these stations is still closed due to the embankment slip. The Bus Station for the day is in King Street, East Grinstead.

In addition, special coach tours will operate from Sheffield Park station, lasting about 35 minutes, departing at 11.20, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45, 15.20.

All bus routes are free of charge. Full bus timetables from: Alan Charman, 19 Hampton Way, East Grinstead, RH19 4SG, price £4.00

473 from East Grinstead Railway Station (via King Street) depart at: 10.35, 11.35, 12.35,13.35, 14.35, 15.35, 16.25. Additional 473 services to Kingscote depart King Street at 16.20, 16.35.

434 from Dormans Plough to Kingscote depart at 10.34 and then every half hour from 11.34 to 16.04. In addition there are extra 434 services from Kingscote to and from Copthorne.

Tamper visits

Much of the trackwork through Horsted Keynes station, and northwards has been tamped free of charge, under an arrangement with the owners of a new Tamper which visited the railway for testing purposes.

Special Events this summer

Since the Steam Fair involves the use of neighbouring farm land, this event has been cancelled due to the Foot and Mouth restrictions, and will be replaced by another event, based entirely on the railway. The railway wishes to express its regrets to those people who bring exhibits to this event each year, and looks forward to seeing them again in the future.

All our other special events continue as planned, and the next of these are:

  • April: Sun 22: East Grinstead Vintage Bus Day. See above.
  • May: Weds 16: Victorian Evening.
  • June: 16-17, 23-24: Day out with Thomas for which full details and a booking form is now available.

Carriage Works Extension

We are getting towards the end of the carriage works extension. The roller shutter door should be fitted in 6 to 8 weeks and the outside area completed in the same time frame.

While it looks nearly complete, there are still the fire alarms, emergency lighting and the main lighting as a minimum before we can actually use it for anything. Foot and Mouth has affected traffic and the slip is costing money. So it is back to good old fashioned appeals to try to get this 6000 sq ft of extra workshop space into use. If you can help, cheques to Sheffield Park for Carriage Shed Extension, or to Bluebell Trust clearly marked for Carriage Works are most welcome, or sponsor Roy Watts on the Marathon.

Bluebell training leads the way

The Bluebell was host last Saturday to a celebration of the launch of the NVQ scheme for heritage railway staff. RITC Chief Executive Jackie Chappell presented NVQ level 2 awards to five Bluebell Railway drivers, Tom Dobson, Tony Funnell, Jim Grant, John White and Chris White. 5 Bluebell staff have also qualified as NVQ assessors.

Carriage News

Following completion of Fingall's protracted re-paint, Car 64 had its east-side windows made watertight, and the Paint-shop is now occupied by the LNWR Semi-royal saloon. This will be receiving an aluminium roof since its current roof covering is ancient and life-expired. The paintwork has been stripped to bare wood and is being re-painted. In view of the limited time available, and to match the BGZ which it runs next to in the formation, it is being repainted in LMS maroon.

The first steel sheeting is now in place on Maunsell Droplight Open Third 1336. The last structural repairs to the LCDR second are nearly complete, and many of the panels are ready for fixing in place. The third Met coach is looking externally pretty complete, but the current excitement is the first of the lincrusta, which is ready to be applied to the interior of the first class.

The LSWR team had a ten-foot section of their coach bodyside on the floor in the shed last weekend, just about ready for re-fitting to the coach. This was the section around the west-side toilet and adjacent compartments. Three doors are now on the LBSCR Stroudley first, and the floor is back in both the second class compartments of the Birdcage brake, with attention moving to the toilet area. The new timbers which support the floor of Bulleid brake 2526 are now in place in the saloon, and steel sheeting is going up on the east side. The GNR Saloon has had its kitchen refurbished over the winter, with a new fridge and cooker fitted.

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2006: Jan-Dec
2005: Jan-June, July-Dec
2004: Jan-April, May-July, Aug-Dec
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2002: Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec
2001: Jan-March, April-July, Aug-Dec
2000: Jan-April, May-Aug, Sept-Dec
1999: Jan-April, May-Aug, Sept-Dec
1998: Jan-June, July-Dec
1997: Jan-June, July-Dec
1996: Jan-July, Aug-Dec
1995: June-Dec

Other archives of online news and newsletters:

Bluebell Times (March 2020 - Present) on the Bluebell's main site

Archive of e-Newsletters (November 2011-August 2020) maintained by the Bluebell's Museum and Archive team.

Archive of "What's New/Blog" (1997 - Present) on this server

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