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Bluebell Railway - Safety Management

Safety is the responsibility of everyone, of course, and it is a line management responsibility - right up to the Board. But safety gets done - or not! - in all of our teams.

The Operational and Safety Review Group (OSRG) manages the safety management system (SMS) and related operating matters on behalf of the Bluebell Railway plc Board, and its members are the Directors responsible for Safety (Chair) Infrastructure, Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and Operations, plus professional advisors. OSRG meets approximately every 6 weeks. Any operational or safety issue may appear on the agenda, and the group regularly reviews proposals for change to any aspects of the Railway's assets and procedures, accidents and incidents at Bluebell and elsewhere, and issues raised by Departmental committees.

Safety Newsletters

These are available on paper to staff and volunteers at many locations across the railway, and are also available online via this page.

Bluebell Safety News - Issue 12 - December 2017

This is a PDF newletter, which you can download to your computer by clicking on the link. You can then open it using a free viewer such as Acrobat Reader which is often already available on most computers.

Back issues: Issue 1 - March 2012, Issue 2 - May 2012, Issue 3 - Aug 2012, Issue 4 - Nov 2012, Issue 5 - Feb 2013, Issue 6 - June 2013, Issue 7 - July 2014, Issue 8 - Dec 2014, Issue 9 - May 2015, Issue 10 - September 2015.
Issue 11 was not provided for publication on the website for unknown reasons.

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