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SE&CR H-class No. 263
2023 overhaul

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SE&CR H-class 263 - Richard Salmon - August 1996 With its boiler certificate having expired in February 2022 it is planned that it should receive a rapid turn-around in view of the generally good condition of the boiler, and recent significant mechanical work. It does require a boiler lift, new crown girders and tubes, new tyres and new springs. It is also planned to fit a new cylinder block. The work is to be funded by a grant from the Bluebell Railway Trust, in part thanks to a bequest left by Ray Tanner specifically for work on this locomotive.

In the reports below, click on photos for enlargements.

Early November 2023

In the first photo below, on the left is the H's boiler, with a section of rear external firebox plate cut out for replacement. The smaller boiler on the right is the P-class boiler being overhauled for SE&CR No. 323 'Bluebell'.

The second photo shows the new crown stay nuts in place in the H's inverted firebox. (Both photos thanks to Andy Kelly, 7 November 2023)

H and P boilers - Andy Kelly - 7 November 2023New crown stay nuts in place - Andy Kelly - 7 November 2023

July 2023

The H-class frames are seen below being lifted from the wheelsets to free them to be sent to the South Devon Railway for re-tyring. (Photos thanks to Andy Kelly, 24 July 2023)

Frame lift - Andy Kelly - 24 July 2023Frame lift - Andy Kelly - 24 July 2023

H-class boiler alongside Sir A's - Andy Kelly - 11 February 2023
Mid-February 2023

With Sir Arichibald Sinclair's boiler now upright and being re-tubed, space alongside was available for the H's boiler.

The cladding and insulation has been removed, and the boiler is now being needle-gunned. The backhead has been surveyed to see what needs doing. (Photos thanks to Andy Kelly, 11 February 2023)

Boiler barrel - Andy Kelly - 11 February 2023Firebox - Andy Kelly - 11 February 2023

November 2022

The H-class has been taken into the works and stripped sufficiently for the boiler to be lifted for examination. A complete set of new tyres have been delivered directly to the South Devon Railway, who sill fit the, when the wheels can be set there.

The second photo, showing the right hand (driver's side) tank viewed from the front, with the steam-operated reversing cylinders closest. The rod running back to the cab near the top of the tank transfers confirmation of the position of the valve gear back to the reverser indicator, which is mounted on the top of the tank within the cab. The lower rod operates the drain cocks. The hole at the bottom in front of the splasher carries the water balance pipe between the two tanks. (These photos by Tom James, 27 November 2022).

Chassis with boiler removed - Tom James - 27 November 2022Right hand side tank - Tom James - 27 November 2022
The two photos below, from Andy Kelly (20 November 2022), show the smokebox tube plate having been cleaned up, and the back-head stripped and needle gunned. The tubes have subsequently been removed, and on first sight the boiler looks in reasonable condition. Serious work on the boiler will commence once the boiler work on 'Sir Archie' is complete.
Smokebox tubeplate cleaned - Andy Kelly  - 20 November 2022Backhead needlegunned - Andy Kelly  - 20 November 2022
Main web page for 263     -     Earlier overhaul (completed in 2012)     -     Loco Works News
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