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The visit of CITY OF TRURO
October 2006

City of Truro leaves Horsted Keynes, 15 Oct 2006 - John Goss


Believed to have been the first locomotive to have achieved 100mph, the famous Great Western locomotive City of Truro visited the Bluebell Railway between the 30th September and 22nd October 2006, courtesy of the National Railway Museum, York.

A series of special weekends, and other events, were organised to mark the visit, including the Annual Giants of Steam extravaganza, at which it was the star guest. A report of the event is available here.

The photo on the right shows City of Truro departing from Horsted Keynes station on 15th October 2006 (John Goss).

City of Truro with City Limited 13 Oct 06 - Jon Bowers City of Truro and Earl of Berkeley, 21 Oct 2006 - Matt Allen

City of Truro returns to Sheffield Park with the City Limited - 13 Oct 2006 - Tony Pearce

The visit enabled us to pair the two surviving GWR out-side frame 4-4-0s, and their first ever double-headed run together on a preserved line took place at Giants of Steam.

Photos above:
City of Truro attacks the climb out of Sheffield Park with the "City Limited" Pullman on 13th October 2006. © copyright Jon Bowers
Earl of Berkeley is the other preserved GWR 4-4-0, and is seen here at Giants of steam, double-heading with City of Truro. © copyright Matt Allen

Photo right: City of Truro returns to Sheffield Park with the "City Limited" on 13th October 2006. © copyright Tony Pearce
City of Truro was in steam at the Bluebell on the following dates:
Sat 30 September
Sun 1, Fri 6, Fri 13, Sat 14, Sun 15, Sat 21 & Sun 22 October.

Note: We apologise that due to a crack in the steam brake cylinder of City of Truro, it was not in operation over the weekend of 7 & 8 October.
Thanks to the loan of a cylinder from another loco, and a great effort by our workshop staff in overhauling, testing and fitting the replacement, City of Truro was back in action in time for its booked 13th October "City Limited" Pullman train.

City of Truro and Earl of Berkeley, 15 Oct 2006 - Nick Beck

Photographers' Evening

On Sunday 15th October there was an Evening Photo shoot with City of Truro and Earl of Berkeley at Sheffield Park station.

The photo, left, from Nick Beck, was taken at this event.

Other photos taken during the visit:

  • Paul Pettitt's gallery of the visit of City of Truro - 23 October 2006 [no longer available]
  • Photos and videos of our Giants of Steam weekend - 21-22 October 2006
  • City of Truro from Dave Clarke - 19 October 2006 [no longer available]
  • Photos of City of Truro from Jon Bowers - 18 October 2006
  • A variety of photos taken around the railway from Matt Allen - 16 October 2006
  • Photos from Nick Beck of the night shoot with City of Truro and Earl of Berkeley - 15 October 2006 [no longer available]
  • Photos of the "City Limited" breakfast train, and earlier in the visit, from Daniel Crofton-Green - 1 and 13 October 2006 [no longer available]
  • Photos from Tony Pearce showing 'City of Truro' on the City Limited Pullman train - 13 October 2006 [no longer available]
  • Photo from Derek Hayward showing 'City of Truro' on the City Limited Pullman train - 13 October 2006

City of Truro with Pullmans, 13 Oct 2006 - John Goss

'The City Limited' Pullman Train

Fridays 6th and 13th October provided the unusual opportunity to travel behind this locomotive in the opulent luxury of 1920's Pullman carriages, or even in the Bluebell's Royal Saloon (built in 1903, the same year as the locomotive).

Traditional breakfast or Afternoon tea were on offer, and tickets sold very well.

The photo on the right shows the City Limited train running on 13th October 2006 (John Goss).

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Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional! Last updated by Richard Salmon, 27 October 2006 and 16 February 2020
With thanks to Jon Bowers, Nick Beck, John Goss, Tony Pearce and Matt Allen for permission to use their photos.
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