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Bluebell Railway Preservation Society
held on 16th September 2005

Information for BRPS Members - Not for publication

The Committee met from 7:30pm to 10:30pm.

Volunteer Sleeping accommodation: The Committee noted that the letters to occupants of the Queen of Scots had been sent out two weeks later than intended, which had caused some problems. The 1st September deadline had now been extended. Representatives of the sleeping cars had held a meeting and some of the issues had been dealt with at that meeting. It was agreed to add this subject to the Agenda for the forthcoming Members, Forum.

Members Forum: No subjects submitted as yet for discussion, though it was sadly noted there was a belief there was a hidden agenda in trying to control the discussion. It was agreed to add Sleeping Accommodation to the Agenda and to invite participants to write a question or topic onto a piece of paper. Papers would be drawn from the box in random order and discussed.

Fire Department. The Committee noted with regret the Department's decision to close down and did not understand why they had done this. There was still a need for the Department to carry out the core function tasks agreed earlier in the year. A member of the Department had apparently agreed to consider taking on these tasks and this would be pursued.

Membership Matters Membership numbers currently stand at 9316

Finance: Society subscription/donation income currently stands at £87,616 which is very slightly down on 2004. Company revenue on a par with expectations and expenditure just within budget.

Woodpax: Report from Nicholas Pryor noted. Building would need to be redesigned as ground tests have indicated that it would not support the proposed structure. This will lead to a delay in submitting the Stage 2 application and HLF had been advised of this. Carriage washing will not be permitted in the building and other arrangements will have to be made for this.

Trustee elections 2006: It was noted that Messrs S Baker and Cooper were due to resign and seek re-election in 2006. A third Trustee was needed and Lewis Nodes volunteered to stand for re-election.

Northern Extension: It was noted that planning permission had been granted in respect of Planning Condition 7 (tip removal) and refused for the two houses at West Hoathly. Options are being considered for the latter. Station site negotiations were proceeding favourably and we hoped to reach agreement shortly. The terms of the agreement with WSCC over the tip were also nearing completion. However, both of these were needed before the proposed share issue could go ahead.

Next Meeting: The next Committee meeting is due to be held on 28th October but the date may change and business restricted to discussion of the share issue. The November meeting will be held on 18th November

Gavin Bennett
General Secretary


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Valid HTML 3.2! Page updated 30 September 2005 by Richard Salmon, with text from Gavin Bennett.

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