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Welcome to our Fencing Group's page

Fencing along the line side is mandatory on Britain's railways, and the Bluebell is no exception. The maintenance of fences dating back between 50 and 120 years is thus very important.

Formed in 1974, we undertake the replacement and repair of all the Bluebell Railway's fences, both on the existing system and also the extensions. This varies from wood to complex concrete designed patterns following as close as possible LBSCR and Southern Railway practice. The fencing group has completely replaced some 7 miles of fencing and refurbished a lot of sites. On the Northern Extension we get in before the trains do.

Clearing the fence line Boring a post hole Completed Fencing

Typical conditions for fence building, are illustrated above. Contrary to traditional methods, and with a lot of help from one of the group, we are well mechanised.

If you fancy getting away into the countryside, together with the bonus of watching frequent steam trains go by, then enquire via our Volunteer Recruitment team.
We meet every 3rd Sunday of the month.

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Archive of Infrastucture News: 2013-14 - 2015-16 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021-22
Archive Reports: Northern Extension Project - Permanent Way and Lineside News (2007-2011) - P-Way News (2002-4)

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